Berry [2023] EWRB CE22615 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22615
- EWRB number: EW128034
- Region: Waikato
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 15 January 2024
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence
The Respondent has committed a disciplinary offence under section 143(a)(i) of the Act.
The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a negligent manner when he incorrectly sleeved a phase conductor in a white protective cover (amended to a neutral conductor), failed to provide an adequate protective cover for an earth conductor, and failed to bush metal openings in the switchboard which conductors pass through.
The Board fined the Respondent $1,500 and ordered that he pay costs of $225. The fine was reduced from a starting point of $3,000 on the basis that he had accepted responsibility and the matter had been dealt with by way of an agreed statement of facts. A record of the disciplinary offence will be recorded on the public Register for a period of 3 years.