Certification of Prescribed Electrical Work (PEW)
Information on how to use Electrical Safety Certificate (ESCs), Certificate of Compliance (COCs), Warrants of Electrical Fitness (WOEF) (or Electrical Warrants of Fitness – EWOFs), and other Board certification documents.
How to use the forms
The Certificate of Compliance and Electrical Safety Certificate forms are available online. They can be completed and saved on your computer or tablet.
- Click on the form you require in the list below to open it.
- Tab through the fields and enter information using your keyboard.
- When you save this form your additions will also be saved.
There are a variety of websites, free software and licensed applications capable of editing a PDF document. Talk to your IT adviser if you need assistance.
WOEF stickers

Example of a WOEF sticker
How to use the sticker
- The issuer should use an appropriate hole punch to clip the year and date of expiry.
- The back of the sticker should contain the appropriate information written in a fine tipped indelible pen.
An order for a WOEF sticker can be done through EW Portal, by selecting “WOEF & ESC Print Portal”.
Certification forms
Use the links below to download a certification form.
Electrical certificate of compliance and electrical safety certificate
Use this form when certifying installations or part installations under Part 1 or Part 2 of AS/NZS 3000.
Electrical safety certificate (A4)
Use this form when certifying prescribed electrical work under Section 74A of the Electrical (Safety) Regulations 2010.
Record of inspection (ROI) of high-risk prescribed electrical work
Use the form when certifying high risk prescribed electrical work under part 6A(2) of the Electrical (Safety) Regulations 2010.
Certificate of Verification
Use this form when verifying an installation that has been disconnected for more than 6 months, or when an inspector verifies PEW in accordance with AS/NZS 3019.
Equipment compliance certificates
Equipment compliance certificates are available from the online store in books of 50. They are for use in voluntary compliance scenarios. These self-adhesive certificates are credit card sized and can be affixed to the equipment item.
The print portal is available within the EW Portal.