Nandan [2023] EWRB CE22586 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22586
- EWRB number: EW115551
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrical Appliance Serviceperson
- Decision date: 6 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(c) - Failed to comply with registration or licence Section 143(d) - Outside limits of registration Section 143(e)(ii) - False or misleading statement
The Respondent held an Electrical Appliance Serviceperson (EAS) Licence. He carried out prescribed electrical work (PEW) that required, at a minimum, an Electrical Service Technician (EST) License. In doing so, he carried out PEW he was not authorised to carry out, being an offence under section 143(d) of the Act. The Respondent then failed to renew his licence but continued to carry out PEW. In doing so, he committed an offence under section 143(c) of the Act. The Respondent also falsified a licence with the intent of deceiving another registered person by producing a licence which represented that he held an EST licence. The Board found that, in doing so, he had committed an offence under section 143(e)(ii) of the Act.
The Board, having made those findings, decided that it would fine the Respondent the sum of $3,000 and order that he pay costs of $2,250. A record of the offending will be recorded on the public Register for a period of 3 years. An article summarising the matter will be published in the Electron. The Respondent will be named in that article.