Parker [2023] EWRB CE22632 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22632
- EWRB number: EW017469
- Region: Manawatu-Wanganui
- Registration class: Electrical Inspector
- Decision date: 5 December 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(a)(i) - Cancel registration or practising licence (or both) 147M(1)(a)(iii) - Timeframe to apply to be re-registered or re-licensed
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(c) - Failed to comply with registration or licence Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
The Board finds the Respondent has committed disciplinary offences under sections 143(c) and 143(f) of the Act.
Pursuant to section 147M(1)(a) of the Electricity Act 1992, the Respondent’s registration is cancelled and the Board orders that he may not reapply to be registered for a period of 5 years