West [2022] EWRB CE22487, CE22488 & CE22513 – Final Decision

  • Complaint number: CE22487, CE22488 & CE22513
  • EWRB number: EW033106
  • Region: Taranaki
  • Registration class: Electrical Inspector
  • Decision date: 12 January 2023
  • Penalty: 147M(1)(g) - Censure 147N - Cost
  • Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence - not upheld Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
  • Summary: The Board’s findings were:

    CE22487: The Respondent has not committed a disciplinary offence

    CE22488: The Respondent has not committed a disciplinary offence

    CE22513: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a negligent manner, and he provided a false or misleading return. He is censured and ordered to pay costs of $750. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the Public Register for a period of three years. There will not be any further publication of the matter.

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