What should I do when I find non-compliant or unsafe work?

Find out what to do when you spot non-compliant or unsafe electrical work.

  • Best practice


As a registered licensed electrical worker, while working, you have reasonable grounds to believe that the installation, fitting  or appliance presents an immediate danger to life or property, then you have a legal obligation as a registered person to advise both the owner or occupier where the danger exists to WorkSafe New Zealand | Energy Safety as soon as possible. To fulfill this obligation you can contact Energy Safety(external link) or by freephone on 0800 030 040.

Reporting non-compliant work

You can make a complaint to the Board about a registered or non-registered person if they have carried out non-compliant electrical work, or gave instructions to you or someone else for that work to be carried out. You can also make a complaint against a company if you believe its actions led to unacceptable electrical work.

Complaints can be made in writing, email or by letter, provided they contain the details required in the complaints form.

Making a complaint has more information and a complaint form.(external link)

Report-a-cowboy app

You can also use the Report-a-Cowboy app. It allows you to report (anonymously if you wish) defective electrical work. You can feed this information directly back to the EWRB’s investigations teams using this app.

Carrying out tests

Both a customer and licensed electrical worker have the option to lay a complaint with the Electrical Workers Registration Board (EWRB).

For an licensed electrical worker to report another licensed electrical worker to the Board there should be strong evidence that the work undertaken is non-compliant and casts serious doubt as to the skills, knowledge or competency of that person to do prescribed electrical work (PEW).

Complaints on the Boards website provides a good overview of the complaint process.