Brown [2022] EWRB CE22466 – Final Decision

  • Complaint number: CE22466
  • EWRB number: EW023894
  • Region: Omitted
  • Registration class: Electrical Inspector
  • Decision date: 17 December 2022
  • Penalty: 147M(1)(d)(ii) - Disqualified from doing PEW (until something in subsection 2 is complete) 147N - Cost
  • Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
  • Summary: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a manner that was contrary to an enactment, and he provided certification that was false or misleading. The Respondent is disqualified from doing Warrants of Electrical Fitness until such time as he completes a course of instruction. The Respondent is ordered to pay costs of $225. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public register for a period of three years.

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