Past complaint decisions
Summaries of past complaint decisions by the Board.
Displaying 20 of 195 results
Law [2023] EWRB CE22636 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22636
- EWRB number: EW030609
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 3 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work (PEW) in a negligent manner when issued a Warrant of Electrical Fitness (WoEF) for a connectable installation (a caravan) that was not compliant in that it had an incorrect type of residual current device. Because the caravan was not compliant, his WoEF was false or misleading. The Respondent also carried out PEW in a manner that was contrary to an enactment when he failed to affix a WoEF sticker to the caravan.
The Board fined the Respondent $500 and ordered that he pay costs of $225. The fine and costs were reduced on the basis that the Respondent accepted his wrongdoing, and the matter was dealt with on the basis of an agreed statement of facts. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public Register for a period of 3 years.
Chandra [2023] EWRB CE22688 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22688
- EWRB number: EW144319
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 3 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work (PEW) in a non-compliant manner and provided false or misleading certification. He accepted the disciplinary charges and cooperated. The conduct was not serious enough to find that he had carried out PEW in a negligent manner.
As such, the Board made a finding that the Respondent had carried out PEW in a manner that was contrary to an enactment, as well as finding that he had provided a false or misleading return. The Board imposed a fine of $400 and ordered that he pay costs of $225. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public Register for a period of 3 years.
Sharma [2023] EWRB CE22703 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22703
- EWRB number: EW140692
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 3 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent failed to provide an Electrical Safety Certificate on the completion of low-risk prescribed electrical work. He accepted that he had committed an offence under section 143(f) of the Act. He was fined $250 and ordered to pay costs of $225. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the Public Register for a period of 3 years.
Omitted [2022] EWRB CE22638 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22638
- EWRB number: Omitted
- Region: Wellington
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 2 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(g) - Censure 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(g) - Employed, directed, permitted unauthorised person
The Respondent has committed disciplinary offences under sections 143(a)(ii) and 143(g) of the Act.
As the transgressions were not overly serious and he had accepted responsibility, the Board decided that it would censure the Respondent and order that he pay costs of $225 on the basis that the matter was dealt with on the basis of an agreed statement of fact.
Harford [2023] EWRB CE22603 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22603
- EWRB number: EW134278
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 2 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(g) - Censure 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
The Respondent has committed a disciplinary offence under section 143(f) of the Act.
The Board censured the Respondent, having reduced the penalty on the basis of the mitigating factors present. It also ordered the Respondent to pay costs of $225. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public Register for a period of 3 years.
Manine [2023] EWRB CE22657 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22657
- EWRB number: EW087243
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 2 November 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
The Respondent has committed a disciplinary offence under section 143(f) of the Act.
The Board adopted a starting point of a fine of $500 but reduced it to $250 in recognition of mitigating factors. A costs order of $225 was made. The matter will be recorded on the Register for 3 years.
Rihari [2023] EWRB CE22630 – Not Upheld Decision
- Complaint number: CE22630
- EWRB number: EW123484
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrical Appliance Serviceperson
- Decision date: 2 November 2023
- Penalty: No action taken
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
- Summary: The Respondent has not committed a disciplinary offence.
Scheib [2022] EWRB CE22629 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22629
- EWRB number: EW139658
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 27 October 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(b)(ii) - Suspension of registration or practising licence or provisional licence (until something in subsection 2 is complete) 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent has committed disciplinary offences under sections 143(b)(ii), 143(a)(i) and 143(f) of the Act.
Sims [2022] EWRB CE22572 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22572
- EWRB number: EW025897
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrical Installer
- Decision date: 26 October 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(a)(i) - Cancel registration or practising licence (or both) 147M(1)(a)(iii) - Timeframe to apply to be re-registered or re-licensed
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(d) - Outside limits of registration
The Respondent has committed disciplinary offences under section 143(d) of the Act.
The Board decided that it would cancel the Respondent’s registration and order that he could not apply to be reregistered for a period of 2 years.
Klassen [2022] EWRB CE22546 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22546
- EWRB number: EW133362
- Region: Hawke's Bay
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 19 September 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work negligently when he failed to install a photovoltaic system in accordance prescribed standards, and he provided a false or misleading return. He was fined $1,000 and ordered to pay costs of $250. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public register for a period of 3 years.
Easton [2022] EWRB CE22607 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22607
- EWRB number: EW140636
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 6 September 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
- Summary: The Board found the Respondent Pursuant to section 147M(1)(f) of the Electricity Act 1992, the Respondent is ordered to pay a fine of $1,000. The Board ordered a fine of $1000. The matter was dealt with on the basis of a full hearing.
Scott [2023] EWRB CE22647 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22647
- EWRB number: EW047095
- Region: Wellington
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 6 September 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
Pursuant to section 147M(1)(f) of the Electricity Act 1992, the Respondent is ordered to pay a fine of $250.
Pursuant to section 147N of the Act, the Respondent is ordered to pay costs of $250 (GST included) towards the costs of, and incidental to, the inquiry of the Board.
The Registrar shall record the Board’s action in the Register of Electrical Workers in accordance with section 128(1)(c)(viii) of the Act. The Respondent will be named in this decision. A summary of the matter will be published by way of an article in the Electron, which will focus on the lessons to be learnt from the case. The Respondent will not be named in the publication
Snowball [2022] EWRB CE22601 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22601
- EWRB number: EW089673
- Region: Northland
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 17 August 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a manner that was contrary to an enactment, and he provided a false or misleading Certificate of Compliance. He was censured and ordered to pay costs of $250. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the public register for a period of 3 years.
Browning [2023] EWRB CE22597 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22597
- EWRB number: EW035228
- Region: Gisborne
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 17 August 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
Pursuant to section 147M(1)(f) of the Electricity Act 1992, the Respondent is ordered to pay a fine of $1,500.
Pursuant to section 147N of the Act, the Respondent is ordered to pay costs of $225 (GST included) towards the costs of, and incidental to, the inquiry of the Board.
The Registrar shall record the Board’s action in the Register of Electrical Workers in accordance with section 128(1)(c)(viii) of the Act. The Respondent will be named in this decision.
A summary of the matter will be published by way of an article in the Electron, which will focus on the lessons to be learnt from the case. The Respondent will not be named in the publication.
Keil [2023] EWRB CE22631 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22631
- EWRB number: EW109854
- Region: Hawke's Bay
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 17 August 2023
- Penalty: 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment Section 143(b)(ii) - Serious harm carrying out PEW Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
The Board found the Respondent negligently supervised a trainee who carried out non-compliant prescribed electrical work, and he failed to certify that work.
The Board ordered that he undertake a course of instruction in supervision and that he pay costs of $225.
A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the register for a period of 3 years.
Beaumont [2023] EWRB CE22535 – Final Decision
- Complaint number: CE22535
- EWRB number: EW134266
- Region: Taranaki
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 15 August 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(f) - Fine 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return
- Summary: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a negligent manner and failed to provide certification for prescribed electrical work. He is fined $2,500 and ordered to pay costs of $2,000. A record of the disciplinary offending will be recorded on the Public Register for a period of 3 years.
Prasad [2022] EWRB CE22659, CE22660 & CE22662 – Not Upheld Decision
- Complaint number: CE22659, CE22660 & CE22662
- EWRB number: EW108024
- Region: Auckland
- Registration class: Electrical Inspector
- Decision date: 4 August 2023
- Penalty: No action taken
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
- Summary: The proceedings are stayed. No further action will be taken.
Gooch [2022] EWRB CE22613 – Final decision
- Complaint number: CE22613
- EWRB number: EW067400
- Region: Manawatu-Wanganui
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 21 July 2023
- Penalty: 147M(1)(b)(ii) - Suspension of registration or practising licence or provisional licence (until something in subsection 2 is complete) 147M(1)(e) - Complete something in subsection 2 in a certain time period 147N - Cost
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(i) - Negligence / Incompetence
- Summary: The Respondent carried out prescribed electrical work in a negligent manner and at a time when he was not licensed to carry out the work. Further, he failed to provide a Certificate of Compliance and an Electrical Safety Certificate. He is ordered to pass the Board’s stage 3 practical assessment and to pay costs of $225. He may not be relicensed until such time as he has passed the stage 3 practical assessment.
Lyon [2023] EWRB CE22599 – Not Upheld Decision
- Complaint number: CE22599
- EWRB number: EW043520
- Region: Manawatu-Wanganui
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 21 July 2023
- Penalty: No action taken
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
- Summary: Based on the Investigator offering no evidence, the Board finds that the Respondent has not committed a disciplinary offence.
Reid [2022] EWRB CE22564 – Not Upheld Decision
- Complaint number: CE22564
- EWRB number: EW064714
- Region: Wellington
- Registration class: Electrician
- Decision date: 13 July 2023
- Penalty: No action taken
- Disciplinary grounds: Section 143(a)(ii) - Contrary to enactment - not upheld Section 143(b)(i) - Serious harm using faulty or improper fittings - not upheld Section 143(f) - Failed to provide / false return - not upheld
- Summary: The Respondent has not committed a disciplinary offence.