Electron Issue 093

Keeping you up to date with the latest regulatory changes, exam reports, technical issues, consultation results and other issues affecting electrical workers - published August 2018

Electron empowering today's electrical workers

Presiding Member's update

Portrait of Mel Orange

In this electron there is the first, of what will be a series of articles, around the complaints and disciplinary process for electrical workers and the process for prosecuting persons who carry out illegal prescribed electrical work. The articles are aimed at informing electrical workers on the processes as well as providing some tips on best practice to avoid complaints.

The disciplinary process is an important one. It is not designed to redress issues or disputes between an electrical worker and a client or to appease those who are dissatisfied. Rather, it exists to ensure standards are maintained and to protect consumers and keep the public safe. Going through a complaint process is stressful, but in general the better informed and prepared a practitioner is, the better the outcome for them is. With this in mind, please take the time to read the articles and to use various resources that are in the process of being created and will be placed on the Board’s website in conjunction with them.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has, since the last Electron, been consulting on a proposed licence fee review. Thank you to those who provided submissions. The Ministry is currently consolidating the feedback so that it can brief the Minister for Building and Construction.

The Ministry is also seeking expressions of interest for new Board members. You will find a short article about being a Board member in this Electron and a link to the advert. Being on the Board is both challenging and rewarding and I encourage anyone who is interested in applying to do so.

The Board is currently working on finalising its business plan for the next three years and I hope to report on this in the next issue of Electron. Work is also underway on the Board’s annual report which will be tabled in Parliament in October and will also be made available on the Board’s website.


Mel Orange
Presiding Member

Registrar's update

Portrait, Dr Simon Robb, Registrar

The Board’s breakfast ‘meet and greet’ meetings continue to go well. Since the last issue of the Electron, meetings have been held in Queenstown, West Auckland, Miramar, Ashburton, and Christchurch. The meet and greets provide a good opportunity to hear from you, and you from the Board.  The meetings are an invaluable means of getting together in a relaxed environment, to discuss matters of importance. Plus, there is frequently food left over that you can take away for a morning tea shout! The Board’s website refers to the meeting schedule (subject to change).

Many of the articles in this issue have a safety focus. The Board is very keen to keep the safety message front of mind – unsurprisingly - given the Board’s principal statutory purpose is to protect persons and property from the potential harm arising from the use of electricity. One article is on electrical risk: what it is, the main hazards associated, environmental factors, and suggested steps to remedy (or mitigate) such a risk.

All the best,

Simon Robb

Expression of Interest for EWRB members (two positions)

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking expressions of interest for two new Electrical Workers Registration Board (EWRB) members.

Find out more about the two positions

The Electricity and Gas High-risk database

The Electricity and Gas High-risk database holds records of electrical and gas work which is classed as being high risk. The database provides public access to key information about where high-risk work is done and by whom.

Find out more about the database

Electrical safety inspection

Electrical fires pose a high risk to individuals and property. Fires are commonly caused by loose electrical connections, failing insulation and poor maintenance of electrical equipment. Good practice, and legislative requirements demand preventative action, for example: disconnecting, isolating and making safe any defect which constitutes an electrical hazard to persons, or property.

Find out more about electrical safety inspection

What is an electrical risk?

An electrical risk is a risk to a person of death, shock or other injury caused directly or indirectly by electricity.

Find out more about electrical risks

Electrical standards in new digital formats: Let us know what you think

Standards New Zealand has published an electrical standard as an ebook and they would like your feedback. 

Find out more about the new digital formats

Complaints and prosecutions - grounds for a complaint

This is the first of a series of articles that will discuss complaints and prosecutions. Over the series of articles, the various processes will be stepped through and guidance will be provided for those who have complaints made about them.

Find out more about complaints and prosecutions

Disciplinary hearings held - March to June 2018

The Board has held disciplinary hearings in various locations around the country. The following is a summary of the hearings held through to June. There are also some more detailed articles on cases the Board considers other electrical workers could learn from.

Read more about past disciplinary hearings

Notable disciplinary hearings

An electrical installer and an electrical inspector have appeared at disciplinary hearings recently.

Read more about these two hearings

Prosecution outcomes

EWRB v Rainbow Cool Tech Limited

In February 2016 the Board prosecuted Rainbow Cool Tech Limited for engaging a person who was not licensed to carry out prescribed electrical work (PEW). The PEW carried out, involved the rewiring of a residential address, which was significantly unsafe.

Read the full notice - EWRB v Rainbow Cool Tech Limited