News and notices
Keep up to date with news from the Board.
Prosecution – EWRB v Santini Renney
On 7 May 2024, Mr Renney was sentenced on a charge of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution – EWRB v Super Cell Limited
On 26 March 2024, Super Cell Limited was sentenced on one charge of knowingly permitted a person to do unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v David McLennan
On 17 October 2023, David Ewen McLennan was sentenced on one charge of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Igor Ivanovic
On 30 August 2023, Igor Ivanovic was sentenced on one charge of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Aidas Janulis
On 28 June 2023, Aidas Janulis was sentenced on one charge of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Yu-Chien Lee and ASX Construction Ltd
On 2 June 2023, Yu-Chien Lee and ASX Construction Ltd were sentenced on charges of performing unauthorized prescribed electrical work and employing a person to do unauthorized prescribed electrical work, respectively.
Prosecution - EWRB v Ian Leslie Johnston
Mr Ian Leslie Johnston was sentenced in the New Plymouth District Court on one charge of illegally performing prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Connolly
On 30 March 2022 Stephen Connolly was sentenced in the District Court at Wellington by Judge Mill after pleading guilty to 1 charge of holding himself out as registered or licensed in respect of prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Harris
On 23 May 2022 Anthony Harris was convicted and sentenced on 2 charges of doing un-authorised prescribed electrical work in the District Court at Christchurch by Judge Couch.
Prosecution - EWRB v Kumaran
On 19 July 2022, Naveen Kumaran was sentenced by Judge Lovell-Smith on 2 charges of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Lal
On 7 April 2022 Ravin Lal was sentenced on a charge of carrying out unauthorised prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Boris Belmar
On 23 February 2022, Boris Belmar was sentenced in the Northshore District Court by Judge Maude after entering guilty pleas to one charge of performing unauthorised prescribed electrical work and one charge of issuing a Certificate of Compliance when he w
Prosecution - EWRB v Dalwyn Stevens
On 11 February 2022, Dalwyn Stevens was sentenced on one charge of performing work on an electrical installation in a manner dangerous to life.
Prosecution - EWRB v Hughes
Andrew Hughes was sentenced in the Waitakere District Court on 9 December 2021 on charges of negligently doing work on an electrical installation in a manner that was dangerous to life, and holding himself out as an electrician when not appropriately lice
Prosecution - EWRB v Aaron Dempsey
On 7 October 2021, Mr Aaron Dempsey was sentenced for performing electrical work.Mr Dempsey has never been registered as an Electrician and has no offending history.
Prosecution - EWRB v Ion Hangiu
On 12 August 2021, Mr Hangiu, a self-employed person, was sentenced for carrying out unauthorised prescribed electrical work in breach of the Electricity Act 1992.
Prosecution - EWRB v Brenden Maere
On 2 August 2021, Brenden Maere was sentenced on one charge of performing prescribed electrical work (PEW). The defendant was not a registered Electrician.
Prosecution - EWRB v Naidu
On 7 July 2021, Kamal Naidu was sentenced on two charges of performing prescribed electrical work.
Prosecution - EWRB v Brent Ayton
On 15 June 2021, Brent Ayton was sentenced on one charge of holding out to be a licensed electrician.
Prosecution - EWRB v Dane Polkinghorne
On 29 April 2021, Mr Dane Polkinghorne appeared in the Gisborne District Court, where he pleaded guilty to charges brought against him by the Board for carrying out unauthorised PEW.